Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 3

Day 3

As the inmates awoke to a new day a booming voice from the heavens spoke to them. As they cowered in fear from their new god, they were informed of their first survival challenge. They would be taken by taxi to the town park, the last person to return would be placed for a day in the room of isolation (newly constructed at taxpayers expense).

Much was split in the way of juice and cereal but all the inmates were at the park by mid-day at the challenge was on! Turbomursu was the first to act, no sooner had his taxi driven away he had called for a new one and was headed home!

The town park includes a statue of Renin, the piss-weak brother of Lenin who could only found a shitty town rather then a country and ideological framework. Needless to say, the parents were never too fond of the boy.

In the meantime the others began to explore their new surroundings while the locals in the town looked around at the strange newcomers and the quirky smells that seemed to flow from them. Our inmates wasted no time in social interaction. As Old Misses Johnson sat down for a picnic with her neighbour Miss Tailor, they found themselves staring at Kallish and Ayu, who had forged a temporary alliance with the goal of gaining access to the delicious food they could smell. The two picnickers decided it was safer to feed the terrifying looking strangers before them then risk a confrontation.

"Just give it what it wants and maybe it'll go away"

At 1:23 PM, Dirceu was the second to head home, with the expressed desire of chilling with Mursu in the pool. At 1:41 PM, Randoom headed home having decided that he was hungry and didn’t feel like terrorising village picnickers. Kallish and Ayu weren’t bothered by this, as both were having the time of their lives by interacting with people in a normal environment and breathing real air and feeling real sunshine. The later is rarer for Kallish due to his Scandinavian heritage where natural sunlight is a once a year event.

However it was felt that all this eating had tired the two out and a quick nap was in order. In traditional hobo fashion the two found themselves park benches and made themselves a nice bed.

Ayu fast asleep

Kallish fast asleep

This short nap was over by about 3:15. Ayu immediately searched the premises for more food but found none. He then decided to brush up on his social skills by scaring the fuck out of random people. Kallish however chose to sleep through the day. He got up and had a short search for food before realising that it was all back at the house. Thus at 6PM Kallish called a cab and headed home. Ayu was now the official loser of the first competition and would thus spend the next 24 hours in the isolation room upon his return to the house.

Ayu meeting the locals

Before Ayu returned to the house he decided it would only be fair that he played on the swings before facing his punishment.

Higher! Higher!

By 7pm he was headed home and was soon placed into the isolation room. The rest of the night processed fairly quietly. Except that at 9PM the computer broke, severing part of the inmates contact with the outside world. At 11PM the T.V broke as the gremlins we had placed in the house while they were at the park struck again.

Horror turns to despair in a heartbeat.....

Ayu on the other hand had no such concerns. The isolation room consists of 4 walls barely able to fit in a man. Each wall has a picture of a bunny on it staring into your soul and passing judgment. A single teddy bear is all that exists to keep you company, as it whispers horrible truths about your miserable existence. Ayu however was initially enjoying his time in isolation by entertaining himself and by 3AM was having the time of his lift. However, by 5AM he was beginning to realise his predicament and was screaming for any kind of release from this one man prison.

There is no way out......

At 6:30 AM, he soiled himself and his little room.

The house at 9 AM and the end of day 3:
Ayu - In the isolation room
Kallish -Swimming
Dirceu- Getting out of bed
Randoom - staring at the door
Turbomursu - staring at the part of the wall where the screaming keeps coming from

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