Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 2

By now I had completed my own set of ‘upgrades’ to the house, notably sealing of the garbage bin and mail behind a 3 inch high electrified fence. As our inmates woke up to the new morning they discovered this new obstacle and were left pondering a difficult question: Do they allow the household to pile up with filth or try to jump over this electrified barrier? In the end they decided it was better to just let the filth build up and risk life and limb later.

The rest of the day was quiet compared to Day One. Out little inmates tried to find sleep anywhere they could or kept their stomachs full. However as the night fell on the town, tensions began to seriously rise. At 7pm Dirceu was in a fury after a rather bad conversation over MSN (the topic of which is unknown). He decided that it was best for him to sleep on whatever caused the argument and he was in bed by 9.

Ayu however had more violent ideas. Cornering Kallish by the couch, he immediately launched a verbal assault insulting Kallish’s family, calls his mother a whore and then proceeds to call Kallish his nemesis. Kallish did not take this well and at 10PM they were in an all out brawl.


Ayu recovered from this fight quickly and found comfort in Randoom. They had an exciting conversation about Ayu’s gypsy conspiracy’s which Randoom thought was very interesting, particularly the part about the horse.

So they ate it????

The early morning was another quiet period except for Mursu managing to break the toilet and Ayu insulting Randoom’s choice of clothes. By 9am and the start of Day 3, Kallish was showering, Randoom was trying to nap, Dirceu was on MSN, Ayu was trying to clean up and Turbo once more claimed the bed.

Considering the slow day, I decided that Day 3 would need some more excitement. The inmates would need to get ready for their first survivor challenge…….

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