Monday, June 15, 2009

Meet the House

Meet the House:

The house is scenically located in the hills over looking pleasant town and was chosen primarily for its close proximity to the local military base. I’ll show you photos taken after the initial stage of construction. There has been further improvements as the experiment drags on.

The house walls are made of 3 inches of solid titanium and are impervious to all but the largest bunker busters. This design element is meant to keep the local townspeople well protected from the inmates. Small windows are also fitted but these are electrified to prevent escape. The door is also made of titanium but with hardened steel frames. It can be opened remotely by myself or by Big Brother. The entrance is lined by a 3 feet high electrified fence. It’s is hoped to be discovered if the inmates can over come their fear of death by electrocution to try and jump the fence and go for freedom. Also, the letterbox and garbage bin are located on the other side of the fence. The fence is also lined by a wall of pink flamingo’s, their heads pointing in the direction of suffering and misery making them appear to be the symbols of insanity.

The living room floor is made of solid steel which was imported from the Osaka steel industries in Japan. The question here is simple…Does having something made by the Japanese make someone insane? Or does making it mean you’re insane? Hopefully, we will find the answer. The Living room starts of with the bare essentials needed for living. A needle lined couch faces a 1970’s colour T.V. The T.V however only shows channels airing shows from the FOX network without the animation shows. What effects will this have on our inmates? A computer is also installed with Internet connection. This is their only link to the outside world but will they use that to seek freedom?

The Kitchen consists of a fridge and sink, for now. Take note of the bear and bunny poster. A teddy bear is placed in every room and frequently whispers messages to the inmates telling them to kill or to die. The bear’s green eyes seem to pulse with unholy energies and their ceaseless gazes seem to judge everyone they look at it. The bunny posters are also placed around the house. Behind them is a camera to watch the housemates. The posters are also designed to slowly move and shift in rhythm with the patterns of the human brain causing them to seem alive.

The bedroom consists of a double bed and numerous posters. The double bed will help us scientists decide if it is possible to turn someone gay when they are forced into such depths of emotional deprivation. The posters are all of Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers again further weakening the sanity of those who enter the room.

The bathroom consists of a single toilet, sink and shower. There are no lights or windows in the room forcing the inmates to do their business in the dark. Two green eyes stare whoever is using the shower from a strategically positioned teddy bear.

Finally the backyard consists of the large pool allowing the inmates the option of drowning themselves and providing the most obvious route out of their prison. The outside fence consists of a 2 foot high steel fence with sharp spikes. This tests whether a fear of really really sharp and pointy things can be overcome by the desire for freedom. Gnomes watch those who have come outside whilst laughing mockingly.

Coming soon: Day one

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