Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 1

Day one: - Our inmates are introduced to the home

As the minibus came to a halt, and the inmates were ordered out at taser point, the new housemates looked upon their new grey prison little knowing what lay before them. In fact, they were excited about the house and as their curiosity drew them inside they immediately began to explore and interact with their surroundings. Randoom was first into the pool attempting desperately to wash away the feelings of uselessness which had always plagued his existence. Kallish hoped onto the computer and visited the Forgotten Honor forums for pretty much the same reason. Yet, it was Mursu who first began to realise what lay in store for them. His eyes were drawn towards the rabbit paintings and a feeling of utter horror descended upon him. So he decided to join Randoom in the Swimming pool.

The inmates enter into the house

While Randoom and Turbomursu spent the time in the pool, Kallish and Dirceu had a chat about their new home and seemed to really hit it off. Randoom came inside to chat on MSN while Dirceu felt it was his turn to have a go in the pool. What followed can only be described as a battle of the balls between himself and Turbomursu. They each held their breath as long as they could underwater to see who could come closest to laughing death in the face. Dirceu won.

Meanwhile inside, Ayu spend no less then three hours talking to himself violently about some unknown topic. Kallish looked on with amusement while watching Oprah on T.V. Ayu came out from his mindless ranting to scare Randoom before retiring to the bedroom for another violent conversation with himself. Dirceu came inside from the pool to talk with Mursu in the kitchen, though Dirceu enjoyed the conversation topic, Mursu found it boring.

Mursu and Dirceu talk about life

As the evening approached, Kallish decided to take a shower but just as he stood ready to enter into the patented “booth of cleaning”, Dirceu barged into the room. Kallish quickly dresses himself and orders Dirceu out of the room. Dirceu leaves but them immediately reenters into the room and kicks Kallish out so he can use the toilet. Kallish is left outside embarrassed by the ordeal, whatever it is that Dirceu saw remains a mystery.

Kallish can't believe he has embarrassed himself like that to Dirceu

Ayu spent this time productively chatting on the computer to someone called Dustin. I can only assume this was some kind of internet dating website because the first thing Ayu learnt about him was that Dustin had a partner called Llana. Mursu waited patiently for Dirceu to finish in the bathroom before sitting down on the toilet to drink a nice cup of juice.

By 9pm Ayu wanted to insult Dustin, clearly angry over the events of the prior internet conversation, but due to the physical impracticalities of insulting someone on the other side of town, he settled of insulting Randoom’s cooking skills. At 10:20 PM Randoom took the bed barely seconds before Dirceu and Ayu….no-one was willing to hop into the same bed with Randoom. Disappointed with these turn of events, Dirceu decided to admire himself in the mirror and then scare Kallish.

By 2am Kallish and Ayu were desperate for bed but were still not willing to get in with Randoom. Turbumursu and Dirceu were feeling the same way an hour later but were still not willing to get under the sheets with Randoom. As dawn approached Kallish found that the couch made a good short term sleeping arrangement and was soon asleep. 6am saw Randoom get out of bed and Dirceu quickly moved in to claim it. Shortly after the had snuggled in, the call of nature took him and he ran to the bathroom. This was all the time Mursu needed to snipe the bed out from Dirceu.

9am saw the official end of day one. Kallish was playing games on the computer, Dirceu was admiring a painting, Mursu was asleep on the couch, Randoom was having breakfast and Ayu was having another conversation with himself.

House at the end of day 1

Coming soon: Day 2-3.

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