Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meet the Housemates

After reading this article I was inspired.

However I felt as though this experiment failed to delve into the deeper parts of the human psyche. The parts which are cruel, dark and horribly sadistic. In order to accomplish this I intend to create a household in the Sims 3 consisting of people based of the members of the Forgotten Honor Tournament. This will also provide a suitable chance to test how FHT members would behave in a world environment. I will document the events of the experiment on a day by day basis.

First let us introduce the housemates. Each housemate was chosen after rigorous testing procedures which involved electric shock testing, water boarding and attempted guillotining. Finally five housemates were chosen to enter into the house and to fulfil our quest to uncover the true darkness and endurance of the Human mind. Let us meet these new housemates:

Meet Dirceu:

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Dirceu is an ambitious person who seeks to achieve much in his life. So to choose his traits proved somewhat straightforward. The first two traits he received where Ambitious and Workaholic to represent this strong work ethic. He also states that he likes Latin a lot. As a result he gets Genius and Snob. Anyone who knows Latin well must be fairly well of mentally and so genius makes sense. However, Latin is a dead language so anyone who knows it must also be a pretentious bastard. So that fits all nicely together. Finally I gave him the trait Evil, partially because he tends to follow an authoritarian view of the world but mostly because he likes Opera. Anyone who likes Opera must clearly be out to destroy us all. His life long ambition is to be the Emperor of Evil.

Meet Turbomursu:

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Hailing from Finland, Turbomursu is a big fan of Karaoke. According to a series of psychological tests he took he is quite good with tools (at least in theory) and is socially reserved. As a result he gets Handy and Loner for his first two traits. Closer inspection of his personality tests would indicate that he is someone with a heart. That translates as being an over emotional cry-baby and so that was picked as his next trait. My brother noted at this point that he sounds Emo and so I chose Hopeless Romantic as his next trait. Finally I remembered that he is from Finland. I have always assumed that Scandinavian people hibernate over the winter in order to survive in that frozen wasteland of theirs. He gets Heavy Sleeper to represent this.

Meet Ayu:

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I don’t know much about Ayu expect that he is from Germany and seems to like Dirceu. Immediately he gets the insane trait due to the combination of these two factors. His ambitions of taking over the world obviously meant he needed the ambitious trait but I also added Genius and Mean to the list. Seemed only fair to me. The last trait to give was again pretty obvious considering his heritage. He received Never Nude as I believe that Germans see nudity as an inefficient use of time and space and something only the French enjoy. Ayu dreams of one day building a creature-robot army in a perverted act of science and a sin against God.

Meet Kallish:

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He is also Scandinavian but is instead from the more civilised Sweden, the only Scandinavian country which can claim credit of at least having electricity. I gave him Heavy Sleeper though as the hibernation instinct would still be strong in him despite the luxuries of modern civilisation. However I then did not know what traits to give him. I assumed that he has built up an irrational hatred of Children over time and the years of playing computer games has warped his mind beyond question. He gets Absent minded and dislikes Children to show this. I also gave him computer whiz again due to the time he spends on the computer. I finally gave him daredevil as a trait, only to see if he would end up jumping over a pool filled with polar bear-sharks. He also dreams of being an International Super spy. I’m hoping him and Dirceu get into a battle in the house in a “spy versus spy” type scenario.

Meet Randoom:

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I don’t know anything about Randoom except that he claims to be Portuguese and therefore makes awesome chicken. His name inspired me though to let the computer AI choose his traits. He received Angler, Bookworm, Greenthumb, Inappropriate and Neurotic. I then chose having a perfect private aquarium as his lifelong ambition.

Coming Soon: Meet the House……

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