Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 3

Day 3

As the inmates awoke to a new day a booming voice from the heavens spoke to them. As they cowered in fear from their new god, they were informed of their first survival challenge. They would be taken by taxi to the town park, the last person to return would be placed for a day in the room of isolation (newly constructed at taxpayers expense).

Much was split in the way of juice and cereal but all the inmates were at the park by mid-day at the challenge was on! Turbomursu was the first to act, no sooner had his taxi driven away he had called for a new one and was headed home!

The town park includes a statue of Renin, the piss-weak brother of Lenin who could only found a shitty town rather then a country and ideological framework. Needless to say, the parents were never too fond of the boy.

In the meantime the others began to explore their new surroundings while the locals in the town looked around at the strange newcomers and the quirky smells that seemed to flow from them. Our inmates wasted no time in social interaction. As Old Misses Johnson sat down for a picnic with her neighbour Miss Tailor, they found themselves staring at Kallish and Ayu, who had forged a temporary alliance with the goal of gaining access to the delicious food they could smell. The two picnickers decided it was safer to feed the terrifying looking strangers before them then risk a confrontation.

"Just give it what it wants and maybe it'll go away"

At 1:23 PM, Dirceu was the second to head home, with the expressed desire of chilling with Mursu in the pool. At 1:41 PM, Randoom headed home having decided that he was hungry and didn’t feel like terrorising village picnickers. Kallish and Ayu weren’t bothered by this, as both were having the time of their lives by interacting with people in a normal environment and breathing real air and feeling real sunshine. The later is rarer for Kallish due to his Scandinavian heritage where natural sunlight is a once a year event.

However it was felt that all this eating had tired the two out and a quick nap was in order. In traditional hobo fashion the two found themselves park benches and made themselves a nice bed.

Ayu fast asleep

Kallish fast asleep

This short nap was over by about 3:15. Ayu immediately searched the premises for more food but found none. He then decided to brush up on his social skills by scaring the fuck out of random people. Kallish however chose to sleep through the day. He got up and had a short search for food before realising that it was all back at the house. Thus at 6PM Kallish called a cab and headed home. Ayu was now the official loser of the first competition and would thus spend the next 24 hours in the isolation room upon his return to the house.

Ayu meeting the locals

Before Ayu returned to the house he decided it would only be fair that he played on the swings before facing his punishment.

Higher! Higher!

By 7pm he was headed home and was soon placed into the isolation room. The rest of the night processed fairly quietly. Except that at 9PM the computer broke, severing part of the inmates contact with the outside world. At 11PM the T.V broke as the gremlins we had placed in the house while they were at the park struck again.

Horror turns to despair in a heartbeat.....

Ayu on the other hand had no such concerns. The isolation room consists of 4 walls barely able to fit in a man. Each wall has a picture of a bunny on it staring into your soul and passing judgment. A single teddy bear is all that exists to keep you company, as it whispers horrible truths about your miserable existence. Ayu however was initially enjoying his time in isolation by entertaining himself and by 3AM was having the time of his lift. However, by 5AM he was beginning to realise his predicament and was screaming for any kind of release from this one man prison.

There is no way out......

At 6:30 AM, he soiled himself and his little room.

The house at 9 AM and the end of day 3:
Ayu - In the isolation room
Kallish -Swimming
Dirceu- Getting out of bed
Randoom - staring at the door
Turbomursu - staring at the part of the wall where the screaming keeps coming from

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 2

By now I had completed my own set of ‘upgrades’ to the house, notably sealing of the garbage bin and mail behind a 3 inch high electrified fence. As our inmates woke up to the new morning they discovered this new obstacle and were left pondering a difficult question: Do they allow the household to pile up with filth or try to jump over this electrified barrier? In the end they decided it was better to just let the filth build up and risk life and limb later.

The rest of the day was quiet compared to Day One. Out little inmates tried to find sleep anywhere they could or kept their stomachs full. However as the night fell on the town, tensions began to seriously rise. At 7pm Dirceu was in a fury after a rather bad conversation over MSN (the topic of which is unknown). He decided that it was best for him to sleep on whatever caused the argument and he was in bed by 9.

Ayu however had more violent ideas. Cornering Kallish by the couch, he immediately launched a verbal assault insulting Kallish’s family, calls his mother a whore and then proceeds to call Kallish his nemesis. Kallish did not take this well and at 10PM they were in an all out brawl.


Ayu recovered from this fight quickly and found comfort in Randoom. They had an exciting conversation about Ayu’s gypsy conspiracy’s which Randoom thought was very interesting, particularly the part about the horse.

So they ate it????

The early morning was another quiet period except for Mursu managing to break the toilet and Ayu insulting Randoom’s choice of clothes. By 9am and the start of Day 3, Kallish was showering, Randoom was trying to nap, Dirceu was on MSN, Ayu was trying to clean up and Turbo once more claimed the bed.

Considering the slow day, I decided that Day 3 would need some more excitement. The inmates would need to get ready for their first survivor challenge…….

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 1

Day one: - Our inmates are introduced to the home

As the minibus came to a halt, and the inmates were ordered out at taser point, the new housemates looked upon their new grey prison little knowing what lay before them. In fact, they were excited about the house and as their curiosity drew them inside they immediately began to explore and interact with their surroundings. Randoom was first into the pool attempting desperately to wash away the feelings of uselessness which had always plagued his existence. Kallish hoped onto the computer and visited the Forgotten Honor forums for pretty much the same reason. Yet, it was Mursu who first began to realise what lay in store for them. His eyes were drawn towards the rabbit paintings and a feeling of utter horror descended upon him. So he decided to join Randoom in the Swimming pool.

The inmates enter into the house

While Randoom and Turbomursu spent the time in the pool, Kallish and Dirceu had a chat about their new home and seemed to really hit it off. Randoom came inside to chat on MSN while Dirceu felt it was his turn to have a go in the pool. What followed can only be described as a battle of the balls between himself and Turbomursu. They each held their breath as long as they could underwater to see who could come closest to laughing death in the face. Dirceu won.

Meanwhile inside, Ayu spend no less then three hours talking to himself violently about some unknown topic. Kallish looked on with amusement while watching Oprah on T.V. Ayu came out from his mindless ranting to scare Randoom before retiring to the bedroom for another violent conversation with himself. Dirceu came inside from the pool to talk with Mursu in the kitchen, though Dirceu enjoyed the conversation topic, Mursu found it boring.

Mursu and Dirceu talk about life

As the evening approached, Kallish decided to take a shower but just as he stood ready to enter into the patented “booth of cleaning”, Dirceu barged into the room. Kallish quickly dresses himself and orders Dirceu out of the room. Dirceu leaves but them immediately reenters into the room and kicks Kallish out so he can use the toilet. Kallish is left outside embarrassed by the ordeal, whatever it is that Dirceu saw remains a mystery.

Kallish can't believe he has embarrassed himself like that to Dirceu

Ayu spent this time productively chatting on the computer to someone called Dustin. I can only assume this was some kind of internet dating website because the first thing Ayu learnt about him was that Dustin had a partner called Llana. Mursu waited patiently for Dirceu to finish in the bathroom before sitting down on the toilet to drink a nice cup of juice.

By 9pm Ayu wanted to insult Dustin, clearly angry over the events of the prior internet conversation, but due to the physical impracticalities of insulting someone on the other side of town, he settled of insulting Randoom’s cooking skills. At 10:20 PM Randoom took the bed barely seconds before Dirceu and Ayu….no-one was willing to hop into the same bed with Randoom. Disappointed with these turn of events, Dirceu decided to admire himself in the mirror and then scare Kallish.

By 2am Kallish and Ayu were desperate for bed but were still not willing to get in with Randoom. Turbumursu and Dirceu were feeling the same way an hour later but were still not willing to get under the sheets with Randoom. As dawn approached Kallish found that the couch made a good short term sleeping arrangement and was soon asleep. 6am saw Randoom get out of bed and Dirceu quickly moved in to claim it. Shortly after the had snuggled in, the call of nature took him and he ran to the bathroom. This was all the time Mursu needed to snipe the bed out from Dirceu.

9am saw the official end of day one. Kallish was playing games on the computer, Dirceu was admiring a painting, Mursu was asleep on the couch, Randoom was having breakfast and Ayu was having another conversation with himself.

House at the end of day 1

Coming soon: Day 2-3.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Meet the House

Meet the House:

The house is scenically located in the hills over looking pleasant town and was chosen primarily for its close proximity to the local military base. I’ll show you photos taken after the initial stage of construction. There has been further improvements as the experiment drags on.

The house walls are made of 3 inches of solid titanium and are impervious to all but the largest bunker busters. This design element is meant to keep the local townspeople well protected from the inmates. Small windows are also fitted but these are electrified to prevent escape. The door is also made of titanium but with hardened steel frames. It can be opened remotely by myself or by Big Brother. The entrance is lined by a 3 feet high electrified fence. It’s is hoped to be discovered if the inmates can over come their fear of death by electrocution to try and jump the fence and go for freedom. Also, the letterbox and garbage bin are located on the other side of the fence. The fence is also lined by a wall of pink flamingo’s, their heads pointing in the direction of suffering and misery making them appear to be the symbols of insanity.

The living room floor is made of solid steel which was imported from the Osaka steel industries in Japan. The question here is simple…Does having something made by the Japanese make someone insane? Or does making it mean you’re insane? Hopefully, we will find the answer. The Living room starts of with the bare essentials needed for living. A needle lined couch faces a 1970’s colour T.V. The T.V however only shows channels airing shows from the FOX network without the animation shows. What effects will this have on our inmates? A computer is also installed with Internet connection. This is their only link to the outside world but will they use that to seek freedom?

The Kitchen consists of a fridge and sink, for now. Take note of the bear and bunny poster. A teddy bear is placed in every room and frequently whispers messages to the inmates telling them to kill or to die. The bear’s green eyes seem to pulse with unholy energies and their ceaseless gazes seem to judge everyone they look at it. The bunny posters are also placed around the house. Behind them is a camera to watch the housemates. The posters are also designed to slowly move and shift in rhythm with the patterns of the human brain causing them to seem alive.

The bedroom consists of a double bed and numerous posters. The double bed will help us scientists decide if it is possible to turn someone gay when they are forced into such depths of emotional deprivation. The posters are all of Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers again further weakening the sanity of those who enter the room.

The bathroom consists of a single toilet, sink and shower. There are no lights or windows in the room forcing the inmates to do their business in the dark. Two green eyes stare whoever is using the shower from a strategically positioned teddy bear.

Finally the backyard consists of the large pool allowing the inmates the option of drowning themselves and providing the most obvious route out of their prison. The outside fence consists of a 2 foot high steel fence with sharp spikes. This tests whether a fear of really really sharp and pointy things can be overcome by the desire for freedom. Gnomes watch those who have come outside whilst laughing mockingly.

Coming soon: Day one

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meet the Housemates

After reading this article I was inspired.

However I felt as though this experiment failed to delve into the deeper parts of the human psyche. The parts which are cruel, dark and horribly sadistic. In order to accomplish this I intend to create a household in the Sims 3 consisting of people based of the members of the Forgotten Honor Tournament. This will also provide a suitable chance to test how FHT members would behave in a world environment. I will document the events of the experiment on a day by day basis.

First let us introduce the housemates. Each housemate was chosen after rigorous testing procedures which involved electric shock testing, water boarding and attempted guillotining. Finally five housemates were chosen to enter into the house and to fulfil our quest to uncover the true darkness and endurance of the Human mind. Let us meet these new housemates:

Meet Dirceu:

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Dirceu is an ambitious person who seeks to achieve much in his life. So to choose his traits proved somewhat straightforward. The first two traits he received where Ambitious and Workaholic to represent this strong work ethic. He also states that he likes Latin a lot. As a result he gets Genius and Snob. Anyone who knows Latin well must be fairly well of mentally and so genius makes sense. However, Latin is a dead language so anyone who knows it must also be a pretentious bastard. So that fits all nicely together. Finally I gave him the trait Evil, partially because he tends to follow an authoritarian view of the world but mostly because he likes Opera. Anyone who likes Opera must clearly be out to destroy us all. His life long ambition is to be the Emperor of Evil.

Meet Turbomursu:

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Hailing from Finland, Turbomursu is a big fan of Karaoke. According to a series of psychological tests he took he is quite good with tools (at least in theory) and is socially reserved. As a result he gets Handy and Loner for his first two traits. Closer inspection of his personality tests would indicate that he is someone with a heart. That translates as being an over emotional cry-baby and so that was picked as his next trait. My brother noted at this point that he sounds Emo and so I chose Hopeless Romantic as his next trait. Finally I remembered that he is from Finland. I have always assumed that Scandinavian people hibernate over the winter in order to survive in that frozen wasteland of theirs. He gets Heavy Sleeper to represent this.

Meet Ayu:

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I don’t know much about Ayu expect that he is from Germany and seems to like Dirceu. Immediately he gets the insane trait due to the combination of these two factors. His ambitions of taking over the world obviously meant he needed the ambitious trait but I also added Genius and Mean to the list. Seemed only fair to me. The last trait to give was again pretty obvious considering his heritage. He received Never Nude as I believe that Germans see nudity as an inefficient use of time and space and something only the French enjoy. Ayu dreams of one day building a creature-robot army in a perverted act of science and a sin against God.

Meet Kallish:

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He is also Scandinavian but is instead from the more civilised Sweden, the only Scandinavian country which can claim credit of at least having electricity. I gave him Heavy Sleeper though as the hibernation instinct would still be strong in him despite the luxuries of modern civilisation. However I then did not know what traits to give him. I assumed that he has built up an irrational hatred of Children over time and the years of playing computer games has warped his mind beyond question. He gets Absent minded and dislikes Children to show this. I also gave him computer whiz again due to the time he spends on the computer. I finally gave him daredevil as a trait, only to see if he would end up jumping over a pool filled with polar bear-sharks. He also dreams of being an International Super spy. I’m hoping him and Dirceu get into a battle in the house in a “spy versus spy” type scenario.

Meet Randoom:

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I don’t know anything about Randoom except that he claims to be Portuguese and therefore makes awesome chicken. His name inspired me though to let the computer AI choose his traits. He received Angler, Bookworm, Greenthumb, Inappropriate and Neurotic. I then chose having a perfect private aquarium as his lifelong ambition.

Coming Soon: Meet the House……